von Dee Lusby:
Voraussetzungen daß man nicht gestochen wird beim Umgang mit den Bienen
Basics on working honeybees without getting stung!!!
and for profit one MUST KNOW how to avoid being stung for the most part!
…..which in a way with good working field management will result in getting
few or no stings………..and in saying this in working commercially my
life as I do, to me 5 stings on average a day is nothing when working yards
with 20 or more hives 4-5 deep and on average a good 140,000 plus and more
bees per hive, with many having over 180,000 bees per……….and yes I
said that being me…..So what and how to do? …for if you wish to go at your bees rough shod, so
to speak, that is your privilege for so doing!!!……………but then
don’t cry about it………………hehehehe for you made your bed for laying
in….so to speak..So in getting this chain of thought going,….what do some of you do to
keep your bees happy and healthy and decent for working? and not getting
overly stung ……….making you run away crying, screaming…..help
Comments anyone?
Dee A. Lusby
answer from Dee Lusby Fri Dec 11, 2015
Florida going in very deep and nice on the subject matter…….but now
adding more for thoughts and doings.
You can get really hot hives and I mean really hot hives whether small in
size and/or very strong in size, meaning from 1 box of bees to up to 6 deep
hives………and so beekeepers complain the bees are hard to work and
swam, and cannot get very near……….
But nothing new!!!…………..so what gives.
Well, normally it’s giving space for working, and proper food for eating,
and then no chemicals or treatments of anykind to upset the bees……..but
there is one more very important thing for learning how to do in beehives
to keep them in harmony with Nature that is most important for not stressing
your honeybees and slowing them down working for all jobs needed done from
nurse bees, to foraging bees, to what ever!!!………
And so if you get hives from other beekeepers that are hot, or slow
working building up and other like swarming after you worked them
………………….here’s what to look for!!!
Then if seeing this, you have to go thru and look at EVERY FRAME IN THE
alignment with Nature for working, and then when working from there on, not
upset the cart/applecake again by putting frames in wrong/backwards from the way
Nature does it…………….
So………lastly and most important…………..to calm down super angry
hives this is normally the cause fwiw.
Namely: wrong alignment/positioning of drawnout combs/cells and
foundations placed in for drawing out the same way, causing at times overlay
combs/cells on the foundations…with the bees trying to correct and get what they
need………and also reason for much burr combs in hives too, besided
improper spacing.
So, basically there is a left and right side to all combs with a „Y“
positioning at the base of the cells for how to align them for the bees to
work………..breach this alignment of the proper positioning of the „Y“ at the
bottom inside of the cells and you have problems, …and this in old books
talked about is rhomboids or the pyrimad for building cells upon that is
started first and copied long ago for build pyrimads by the eqyptians over
2,000 years ago and then some, and used for by copying for construction of
much by man…………..and once made by the bees in two basic orders of
which one is „Y“ centered like in langs, or could be continuous from front to
back of a long extended container/opening……………for how the sun
shines in determines the starting point. and so most times seen is „Y centered
with sides facing down to center and then sides facing up to each end side
of combs built……..like seen hanging on trees/bushes and in caves.
So food for though and yes, this is in the archives and I show it each and
every year at the Oracle, arizona conference now for how to properly
position frames, and then see the bees in hives in yards I keep so following
with the after party at my ranch.
So Steve if reading this and you got that hot hive from another beekeeper,
when you got it did you check to see the proper positioning of the
combs/frames for being in alignment to quiet them down?
So more comments anyone?
Dee A. Lusby