die Lösung für die Faulbrut

Dee Lusby erklärt uns hier wie wir mit der Faulbrut und allen anderen Bienenkrankheiten zurecht kommen.

Zunächst wird ein Imker namens Marshall zitiert, der sagt, daß die Heilung der Faulbrut auf die Varroamilben zurückgeht. Er bezieht sich auf die Apis Cerana, die wegen der Varroamilben derart gut ihre Zellen putzt, daß die Faulbrut nicht mehr angreifen kann.

Marshall schreibt:
American foulbrood can be completely prevented it seems. The cure is,
believe it or not, the varroa mite!

Apis Cerana is not affected by AFB. The following paper explores why AFB
has NEVER been found in any Apis Cerana hives. They determined that the
brood can be infected by the spores of AFB, but because the bees are very
hygienic due to the mites, they completely keep AFB from taking hold by their


I have seen it proposed repeatedly that hygienic bees not affected by the
mites are also immune to AFB, but this paper shows that if you have bees
that are ALL hygienic, like Cerana are, AFB never ever occurs at all.

So the cure for AFB is to stop treating for mites and let nature take its


Und Dee Lusby antwortet folgendes:

Marshall, I have been saying this for years and not going to stop…….so
again…….prior to upsizing, starting back in the late 1880s and still
going on,… cause bigger is better was wanted taught for hybridizing all
plants and animals and caused couple world wars (1 & 2 in Europe and still
going on fwiw),….. all microbes in beehives and on honeybees
themselves,…. and ticks chewing on the hairs of all livestock,worldwide,….. cleansing
them while eating the microbes/bacteris, viruses, etc………….there
were really hardly any health problems!!!……………and with upsizing in
late 1880s into early 1900s the first malady seen was nosema, and then with
the second wave/round of upsizing, came the foul broods, in the 1920s -40s
big time and still going on,……and then in the 1960s starting following
WW2 came the chalk broods and then with next upsizing, and bees big enough
to then cross the line for pseudo drone doings in the workerbee broodnest
area, beekeepers worldwide were finally able to easily recognize the mites
on the bodies and in the cells of the honeybees, …………..for a few
they couldn’t really see, (only the best beekeepers could and were kept
silent, while research was done under cover and classified, like the pre-1917
mites I have talked about here for years). and continuing: I keep
saying,……….size the bees back down to match Natures way again, by latitude and
altitude and body external traits/coloration for which race/strain naming
used to be the rule for saying what was what………there ARE NO MITE AND
SECONDARD DISEASE PROBLEMS……….PERIOD…..for things revert back to
only 1-2% levels with the drones taking the hit, that the workerbees can
handle properly………………………which is the drones taking the hit,
during the active foraging and brooding times, and then when lulls happen
they are kicked out for being best defenders of our hives for internal
health……………….nothing new!!! …………and the chewing out of varroa
I went over back in 1997 and was one of last writing published allowed due
to the butterfly group coming on, and bought out for $$$
scamming…………for keeping problems going………..for to end then would end the money
trail for their little empires!!!…………..and ALL MALADIES CAN BE

And go over this every year at the Oracle, Arizona conferences the end of
Feb or early March and this year it’s 26-28 Feb 2016 and currently taking
signups…………………also will be hopefully going to alaska to help
Keith Malone with his second conference for Treatment Free beekeeping the
30th of January 2016 for a one day event he is setting up…………..and
very excited to be doing it and now in process of getting my plane tickects
done for going up there…………

so again, ticks grooming the hairs of the livestock they are riding upon is
nothing new and very beneficial and mites on honeybees used to be named by
point of infestation as seen world wide with over 100+ names and trachael
mites used to called pre-1917 Vagans,…….and varroa used to be called
pre-1917 head, neck, and back mites………….nothing new!!! and I showed
this to the industry worldwide back in the 1990s with published paper in
Dec 1997 in ABJ pages 837-838, with article titled: Arizona Beekeeper
believes smaller size cell diameter is the answer to mite problems“,….and in the
article with analysis of infestation done at sites Carmen and Knights it
showed that going down to 4.9mm with second regession down stopped fouls,
etc with me doing complete shakedowns, ….which helped to later get 4.9mm
foundation on the market with Dadants, and honeysupercell done with Max
Hambry for two products for industry to have to clear up problems in 6 months or
less………but then the high politics started, seeing money
ending…………and by 2000 they tried to burn Ed and me out, the vandilism started
big time for real following and Ed died of constant stress in fall of 2006
following series of strokes and seizures………………of which I am
still going thru with being to to retire and sell the ranch!!………..but
still going here…………

For clean organic means, no dopes/treatments in hives with bees sized
right, fed real honey and pollen and mated locally with outmating nature’s way
for the most part……………….and will not back down and stop saying

So nice in 2001 someone following, though many putting heads down when
problems get big………….yet, group here is growing and hopefully over time
we’ll take our industry back clean and sustainable…………..without
the BS by many………….

So Good post Marshall, but to me nothing new,…………..for been
fighting and saying it for years…………..with then other following me with
second reports backing up what initially seen with original contract I had
with USDA back in 1980s with technical exchange of information for how to
keep bees alive and healthy……

Will end for now……………..But Cure for American Foulbrood and
European foul brood and chalks, and nosema is there and has been all
along…………………it’s just fighting to keep getting the word out instead of
hidden and changed by todays doers!!!

Dee A. LUsby

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