wichtiges zu Thelytoky

Dee Lusby berichtigt einen Artikel der im amerikanischen Imkerjournal ABJ über das Thema Thelytoky geschrieben wurde.
Marshall schrieb:
Interesting writeup in ABJ on Thelytoky

This is in today’s issue of the American Bee Journal, and is written by Jerry Hayes:

„Well, here we go into the possible real
science of this that has possible answers.
Try this on Harley. There is this thing
called thelytoky. Basically, worker bees or
virgin queens can lay eggs at times, but they
all turn into drones because of no mating
and sperm used etc. But, there is this thing
called thelytoky where unfertilized eggs can
genetically develop into females without
being united with sperm.
Read on….
May, 1991 – Bee Science
by G. DeGrandi-Hoffman, E. H. Erickson
Jr., D. Lusby, and E. Lusby
Carl Hayden Bee Research and Biological
Control Center – Tucson – Arizona – USA“

He goes on to quote a full page from that report talking about the Cape bees, and the LUS strain out of Arizona..


Dee Lusby antwortete:
That is bulshit writing and just shows knows nothing about what talking
about………..for does not work that way!!! for the eggs are layed by
workers and then fertilized also…………………….so what a joke!!!!

and 1 worker bee in 20,000 workers in naturally sized hives can do this,
and physically showed how to Tucson bee lab personnel when had contract with
USDA for showing real beekeeping and how mites and other not a
problem….until stopped with socalled new peer review by the idiot butterfly
researchers for writing and publishing……….and I will NOT be edited, for I say
what I say and mean what I mean the old way……

But the workers laying are psuedo queens and
mated!!!….fwiw……….though some just don’t get it…..so spread this BS all over the internet for
rewriting and changing what originally done and shown…..and over on
beesource.com and here in text files you can find published paper on the
thelytoky doings I did for reading…..and evidently he just cannot

Dee A. Lusby


mehr zu Thelytoky von Dee Lusby geschrieben im amerikanischen Forum am 16.1.2016:

Actually, it’s young newly emerged honeybees still developing ovaries just
like yound girls growing up…and so every hive has about 1 in 20,000
worker bees doing this laying, due to problems with cells brood larvae and pupae
contained in, with chilling, knockovers, and other and then having to
clean things up and then eating more royal jelly then normal…that then being
very young just emerged nurse bees coming on board they have more developed
ovaries and have been noted taking mating flights sorta and drones playing
with them, which I did in 8×12 foot by about 8 foot hive screened in cages
with couple hives in to see what would happen, especially if I made sure
some brood got damaged and then had to be fixed…….

…….and then with
Ed seeing me doing crazy things, got more into doing more in field, that
actually to show Tucson lab could split hives late here in Dec/Jan and not
have problems with laying workers so to speak but good laying patterns with
great brood and new hives coming on…………then bee lab wanted to see
more, and so did this and showed to them in large greenhouses by the Tucson
Lab…………..and once showing what they had never seen, the paper was
written……………for we split all our yards late that fall and yet by Feb
all were doing fine and mated and nicely looking and yet it was
…………..how did you do that???……………and yet went into the basics, but
udall and others like regean and nixon always said to hold back some, in
case push came to shove to see if they could do it for real………… But took videos of the drones flying in circles and workers coming out and
other, with then backup’s later….sorta…………prior to stopping and
getting back to real work in the field.

But it was workers laying real brood, which queens do also, and is both
haploid and diploid depending upon what looked at and timing and how
overseen…………..and that is too finite to go into here, and just something Br
Adam and Dr Ruttner and DIetz and , Morse, Houck, etc talked to about from
time to time……..and with real semen too………



hier ist der Original Artikel in Bee Sience,1991 wovon Dee Lusby sagt daß das Buullshizt ist was da geschrieben wird. Darunter ist ihr statement dazu:

Marshall fragt: I am not quite sure where you are coming from. The article he is quoting from was written by you. Why do you now think that is bullshit?

Here is the article. What part is bullshit, and what has changed?

May, 1991 – Bee Science
by G. DeGrandi-Hoffman, E. H. Erickson
Jr., D. Lusby, and E. Lusby
Carl Hayden Bee Research and Biological
Control Center – Tucson – Arizona – USA
Thelytoky is a type of parthenogenetic
reproduction where unfertilized eggs de-
velop into females (Suomalainen 1950).
Thelytoky is common in the Cape honey-
bee (
Apis mellifera
capensis Escholtz), but
it occurs with considerably lower frequency
in European honey bees (
Apis mellifera

(Onions 1912; Jack 1917; Anderson 1963;
Ruttner 1976). In colonies with queens
most worker ovaries are suppressed by the
pheromone 9-oxo-decenoic acid and other
substances produced by the queen (Butler
and Fairey 1963), or by the presence of un-
sealed brood (Kropacova and Haslbachova
1971). However, ovaries can develop and
workers can lay eggs after the queen and
brood are gone (Perepelova 1929; DeGroot
and Voogd 1954; Butler 1957; Butler and
Fairey 1963; Jay 1970; Kropacova and
Hasibachova 1970, 1971). European work-
ers generally lay unfertilized haploid eggs
that develop into males (drones). In rare
instances, virgin queens and laying work-
ers produce diploid eggs that develop into
females (Mackensen 1943).
Given the high frequency of thelytoky in
Cape bees, the relatively rare occurrence in
domestic stocks of European bees is unex-
pected, since populations capable of thely-
toky have an advantage over those in which
laying worker eggs develop exclusively
into drones (Ruttner 1977). Without thely-
toky, the survival of a colony rests com-
pletely on the successful mating of a single
queen which must leave the hive to mate.
If this queen does not encounter drones
or does not return to the hive, a replace- ment cannot be produced because female
larvae of a suitable age for queen rearing
to emerge usually destroys the other queen
cells in the colony. However, if brood from
laying workers could be raised into queens,
the colony would have a facultative sur-
vival mechanism in case the virgin queen
is lost. Thelytoky should occur with greater
frequency in populations exposed to condi-
tions that reduce the chances of a queen ei-
(Moritz 1984).
A strain of honey bees (hereafter referred
to as LUS) has been established from a
breeding program in which virgin queens
were introduced into broodless colonies
(i.e., eggs and larvae did not exist in the
colony) from November to March in south-
ern Arizona. The purpose of the breeding
program was to select for bees that would
rear queens and drones at that time of year.
Inclement weather and limited numbers of
drones can occur during Arizona winters
and prevent queens from successfully mat-
ing. Thus, introducing virgin queens at this
time of year exerts pressure that could cause
the frequency of thelytoky in the population
to increase.

Are you saying this is not quoted properly, or you no longer think this is valid?


Dee Lusby antwortet:

That is bulshit writing and just shows knows nothing about what talking
about………..for does not work that way!!! for the eggs are layed by
workers and then fertilized also…………………….so what a joke!!!!

and 1 worker bee in 20,000 workers in naturally sized hives can do this,
and physically showed how to Tucson bee lab personnel when had contract with
USDA for showing real beekeeping and how mites and other not a
problem….until stopped with socalled new peer review by the idiot butterfly
researchers for writing and publishing……….and I will NOT be edited, for I say
what I say and mean what I mean the old way……

But the workers laying are psuedo queens and
mated!!!….fwiw……….though some just don’t get it…..so spread this BS all over the internet for
rewriting and changing what originally done and shown…..and over on
beesource.com and here in text files you can find published paper on the
thelytoky doings I did for reading…..and evidently he just cannot

Dee A. Lusby

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